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职位职称 博士、讲师、硕士生导师 电子邮箱 shuai_lian@qq.com
研究领域 数据挖掘与生物信息处理 专业方向 通信与信息系统








1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目目, 基于下一代测序技术的重复基因结构及拷贝数目变异与癌症关联性研究,项目批准号:61501392,主持人,金额:22.5万,研究期限:2016.01.01—2018.12.31.

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目目,多主体光纤光栅智能健康监测系统自修复模型构建及其协作决策机制研究,项目批准号:61603324,参与,金额:20万,研究期限:2017.01.01—2019.12.31.

3. 河南省教育厅高等学校重点科研项目,分离重复与非重复序列的全基因组组装算法研究,项目号:15A510010,主持人,金额:3万,研究期限:2015.01.01—2016.12.31

4. 信阳师范学院博士启项目,基于覆盖深度信息的拷贝数目变异检测算法研究,项目号:0201447,主持人,金额:5万,研究期限:2015.01.01—2017.12.31.

5. 信阳师范学院校级双语示范课程,《MATLAB》基础,主持人,金额:9万,研究期限:2016.09-2019.09


1. Shuaibin Lian(连帅彬)Xinwu Chen, Peng Wang, Xiaoli Zhang, A Complete and Accurate Ab Initio Repeat Finding Algorithm, Interdiscip Sci Comput Life Sci, (2016) 8:75–83. DOI 10.1007/s12539-015-0119-6. SCI

2. Shuaibin Lian(连帅彬), Qingyan Li, Zhiming Dai, Qian Xiang, Xianhua Dai. A de novo genome assembly algorithm for repeats and non-repeats[J]. BioMed Research International, Volume 2014, ID:736473,16 pages. (SCI)

3. Shuaibin. Lian (连帅彬), Youchao. Tu, Yangbo. Wang, Xinwu. Chen and Lei. Wang. A repetitive sequence assembler based on next-generation sequencing, Genetics and Molecular Research 15 (3): gmr.15038790. ( SCI )

4. Shuaibin Lian(连帅彬), Xianhua Dai. A new genome assembly method based on dynamic overlap[C]. International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST 2013), 2013, pp:1-5. Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICIST.2013.6747487. SCI

5. Qingyan Li, Shuaibin Lian(连帅彬), Zhiming Dai, Qian Xiang, Xianhua Dai. BGDB: a database of bivalent genes[J]. Database2013Vol. 2013: article ID bat057. (SCI ).

6. Zhengming Ma, Shuaibin Lian (连帅彬). Constraints on the Neighborhood Size in LLE. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E94-D, No.8, pp.1636-1640, Aug. 2011. (SCI).

7. Shuaibin Lian*, Tianliang Liu, Ke Gong, Xinwu Chen, Gang Zheng. A Complete and Accurate Short Sequence Alignment Algorithm for Repeats. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 2016, 4,144-151.

8. 连帅彬,王鹏,陈新武,张晓丽. 基于削峰尾插和几何级数压扩变换的OFDM时域信号压缩算法. 信阳师范学院学报:自然科学版,29, 1,2016, pp: 99-103.

9. Shuaibin Lian(连帅彬), Qingyan Li, Yuan Zhang and Xianhua Dai. A sensitive and accurate copy number variation detection method[C]. International Conference on Energy, Environment and Materials Engineering (EEME,2014), 2014, pp. 1138-1142. (会议论文, EI)

10. Shuaibin Lian(连帅彬), Qingyan Li and Xianhua Dai. A Repeat Finder Algorithm Based On Next Generation Sequencing Data[C]. International Conference on Biosciences and Biotechnology (ICBB2013), 2013. (会议论文,EI

11. Jieyun Xia, Shuaibin Lian. The Globally Linear Embedding Algorithm. Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 756-759 (2013), pp:2682-2686. (EI)

12. Sumin Zhang, Shuaibin Lian. An Improved HLLE Algorithm Based on Midpoint-nearest Neighborhood Selection. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics (ICAL 2012), 2012, Page(s): 185–190. Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICAL.2012.6308194. (会议论文,EI)

13. Shuaibin Lian(连帅彬)Xinwu Chen, Peng Wang, Xiaoli Zhang. An Improved HLLE Algorithm Robust to Neighborhood Selection and Non-uniformed Data Sampling .Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 7:1 (2015), pp: 23-32.

14. Shuaibin Lian(连帅彬)Xinwu Chen, Peng Wang, Xiaoli Zhang. Local Distance-preserving LLE and Back-preserving Neural Network Based Head Pose Estimation. Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 7:2 (2015), pp: 59-64.

15. Shuaibin Lian(连帅彬), Xianhua Dai. Genome Assembly Algorithms: A Survey[J]. Hans Journal of Computational Biology, 2013, 3, pp:7-14.

16. Shuaibin Lian, Xianhua Dai. HLLE Algorithm Based On The Weighted Distance. Transactions on Computer Science and Technology. June 2013, Volume 2, Issue 2, PP.17-23.